Following a three day mini-break to sunny Norfolk, Philip and Ellie have both returned unwell, and our trip to Dorset has been delayed temporarily. Philip's complaints of a sore throat were quickly followed by a spell of vomiting this morning. A quick trip to the walk-in centre confirmed our suspicions: TONSCILLITIS. Anti-biotics, plenty to drink , and lots of rest were all prescribed in various doses. He is currently lying on the sofa feeling dreaful, the fun and frolics of the previous few days now a distant memory.
Ellie entered our bedroom at 3am, complaining of not being able to sleep. Without warning, she then deposited a bellyful of vomit onto our bed. As you can imagine I was far from thrilled as I began the clearing up process. 60 minutes later, having failed to get back to sleep, I headed to her room, and climbed the ladder to her bunk. A most unsatisfactory night's sleep followed, and I was devastated when my alarm rang out at 7am. With the prospect of a 14 hour shift now a reality, I showered and dressed in silence. I left home at 07:45, (Philip was still in bed, his diagnosis still ahead of him) and headed to work. Ellie appeared brighter but was far from 100%. I really hate it when one of them are ill, but both at once is almost too much to bear.My fingers are crossed for a speedy recovery.
UPDATE: Neither have eaten but the nausea has gone. Both are officially in sick bay, under the watchful and protective eye of Sister/Mother Jane. They are in safe hands.