Resident X served 16 months in prison for a crime committed against a young family member. Determined to change, (aren't they all?) he repeated his desire to stay out of trouble in the future, looking me in the eye and promising never to get involved in any criminal activities. He was plausible, and I would have believed him a year or two ago. But experience tells me that he is unlikely to change his ways, and, given the right, (or wrong) circumstances, he will probably reoffend. Sad, but true. he expressed plenty of regret and remorse during our session, but that was all related to HIM, and his incarceration, loss of freedom etc... His victim wasn't mentioned once, yet they are the one who will carry the burden of his wrong-doing for the rest of their life.
There were many things I was tempted to say during the 30 minutes we sat together yesterday, not only for myself but the rest of society too. Even though working with Sex Offenders is common place after over 3 years in the Probation Service, it is still hard to deal with, especially as a parent of young children. I remained professional however and kept my counsel. Not easy at times, and the need to offload becomes urgent. I'm not the only one though, and I'm certain there are many Lawyers out there who, whilst defending their client, must feel sick to the stomach. It is a big price to pay, and is a hidden cost of working with offenders, especially those who commit the most abhorrent crimes. And yet, perversely, (bad word selection) it is strangely satisfying, and always challenging. You just have to make sure you don't take it home.
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