It gets worse.
I hopped onto the scales this morning and I was 14st, 1lb, a full 1lb heavier than yesterday. I am dreading tomorrow already. I can almost hear you saying, "stop weighing yourself!" and you would be absolutely right. But the addictive side of me, (the one which eats far too much) just can't help checking my weight. As a result I feel awful, and, you guessed it, seeks solace in some nosebag. A circle of the most vicious kind, and a cycle I struggle to break. Any tips? (Anyone reading this??. )If not I shall battle on alone and try and find the answers from within.
We (Marshalls Fc Mens Team) were due to return to action today following a few weeks of inactivity. I was guaranteed a place on the bench and certain of a run out of some sort. In preparation of this, I took a trip to the local JJB shop to purchase a new pair of football boots. As I parked my car I took a call on my mobile to say that the game had been postponed due to a frozen pitch. The disappointment I immediately felt took me back to my childhood, and the heavy heart I used to get when my football was cancelled. Quite simply I was gutted, although I did soften the blow by picking up a new pair of Adidas Predator boots which fit like slippers. I got home, scooped up my son, and headed down to the local field to try them out. Half and hour later and we headed home arm-in-arm, the boots now muddy and looking worn. The result? I won 4-2 in a match played between some trees!. Lovely.
Whilst heading back to my house after buying the boots I was listening to Liza Tarbuck and Martin Freeman on Radio 2. They were asking listeners to phone in with the things that made them proud to be British. I texted the show and said, "Quentin Blake and Roald Dahl." I listened to the show for a short while but heard nothing. Feeling disappointed, (again) I headed upstairs to answer a call of nature. A short while later The Lord, (stepson Daryl) was shouting up the stairs that I had just been mentioned on the show, and that Liza Tarbuck had said my selection was, in her words, "an excellent choice!!." I was thrilled to have received a mention, but gutted that I hadn't heard it myself. Just how much disappointment can a man take in one day?.
So, there you have it, day 3 of my blog. As I wrap this up it is only just after 2pm so there is plenty of time left in the day. It is also FA Cup day so I will follow the results later on. Everton are playing Macclesfield but I am confident of a win. Such a shame that I am unable to lace up my new boots and play today. Never mind, there is always next week.
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