Yesterday saw the announcement that Liverpool will be holding a Triathlon on June 21st, 2009. This will be the first time in 5 years that a Triathlon has taken place within the city, and is a welcome addition to the calendar of sporting events. With 3 different distances to choose from, (from Olympic distance downwards) the event will cater for all. I was already considering doing a Tri this year, (my only experience of the event being in 2006 when I took part in the Brecon Triathlon) so a home event is fantastic. It is just over 21 weeks away so I have got plenty of time to get into race shape. My initial plan is to do some general training for the next 8 weeks to put in a base from which to launch my race-specific programme, which will take me right up to race day. I am also considering doing a video diary of my training to give a permanent reminder of the event, as well as being an interesting way of recording my progress. I have a lovely image in my head of a 12 stone version of me clambering into my wet suit on June 21st ahead of the first discipline. I have 21 weeks to realise this dream so please stay with me and see how I get on. I will post a picture of myself on here on Sunday which is exactly 21 weeks before the race. I will then have a before-the-training pic to refer to.
I am genuinely excited as it is a big challenge, and a real test of my resolve. A 1500m open-water swim, (I dislike swimming so that in itself will be tough) is followed by 40km on the bike. The final leg of the Tri journey will be a 10km run. I feel it is well within my capabilities, (the Brecon event was 800m swim, 33km bike, 8.5km run) but I am not as fit today as I was then. But I have done plenty of whingeing about the size of my belly so this is the prefect opportunity to get rid of it, whilst enjoying an event of real significance.
Watch this space, and join me on another journey. This one takes in the River Mersey, as well as the surrounding roads of Liverpool, and promises to be an interesting ride. Can I do it? Join me and find out.
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