..In the footballing sense. I'd consider anything which would improve my performance as it was lacking yesterday. 24 hours on and I am stiff, (no pun intended) and sore. Above all else, I am disappointed that my talents are on the wane and I am less relevant than ever on a football pitch. There are some beneifts to being the oldest player on the pitch, and an old head, (my god, is that me?) often brings calm and intelligence, as well as plenty of experience. But too often the pace of the game, and its younger combatants, catches you out. Take yesterday for example.
The alternative for a 38 year old is Vets football where all of the players are aged 35 or over. But I have always held a great dislike for the concept of 'over the hill' football. There are some things that should be left behind in your youth and competitive football is one. Keep fit, play five a side, train hard, I am in complete agreement with that. But don't try and kid yourself than you can still cut it, because you can't. And I can't. Not any more. So I reckon the time has come to hang the boots up, and concentrate on coaching and managing. OR, bite the bullet and join a Vets team. I think I know the answer already, and it is a pity as I have just spent £50 on a new pair of boots. I think I should now concentrate on developing tomorrows footballers, and forget about yesterdays.
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