The personal statement is almost completed, and the form will be electronically dispatched within 24 hours. After that it is simply a waiting game. Am I going to become a student again?. At 38. Or will it be tears, and plan B?. One can only wait. I am hopeful, but not overly so. I'm filled with a mixture of excitement and dread. The excitement comes from learning Journalistic skills; Shorthand, Podcasting, writing for radio etc... The dread comes from the fact that I will, (if I get in) be sharing a classroom with a number of spotty students. They will be revelling in student life whilst I will be shuffling nervously nearby, staying away from the throng as often as possible. Not the best way of looking at life for the next 3-4 years, but realistic nonetheless. And I will have to give up meat. Obviously. And I will have to write a cheque for a packet of crisps.
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