Monday 8 June 2009

24 hours on...

...And I am still buzzing. To be voted the CLUB person of the year is quite an honour in my opinion, and the recognition makes my work inside the club even more worthwhile. I fully realise that people who get involved in junior football do so for their own reasons; by that I mean their intentions aren't altruistic. Whether it is a desire to coach, having some control, the need to work with children, or the opportunity to teach etc.. the options are endless. For me, the chance to spend quality time with my son, try my hand at coaching whilst attempting to develop other young footballers, was too good an opportunity to miss. From that came the match reports which reignited my love for writing and which, after a few twist and turns, has led to my enrollment onto a Journalism course, with the prospect of a career change in the future. So, in short, the position of a football coach has led to many different things, and it fulfills many needs in my life. Gaining recognition for that, and for it to mean such a lot to other people, is deeply satisfying to me. The club website, which I set up and continue to run, has proved very successful and popular, with almost 5,000 hits to date. Whilst slightly embarrassed as I made my up to collect my shield, inside I was thrilled. I have always respected the pillars of a club, those people who make it happen, and to be put in that bracket is great. Now I have to build upon this, and keep trying to improve the club in the future.


  1. Hi.I m Rijal from Indonesia,I like your family.nice picture

  2. Very nice to hear from you Rijal. I hope you are well and happy. Thank you for the compliment!!
